Buying & Selling On Price Alone
Indulge me. Allow me to relate an anecdote. We recently had an enquiry from a potential client. They came to visit our studio and spent an afternoon talking about their love of music and current 2 channel system. It was clear this couple were in need of an update and upgrade. We demonstrated systems to them, talked through options and they went away with some food for thought.
Over the following weeks we spent literally hours and hours on the phone and face to face working out the best system to suit their requirements and not insubstantial budget (over £25k), so I was a little annoyed when the wife told me she had spoken to another dealer about the system we had designed for her and he had offered a 10% discount. This dealer could easily afford to do so as he had not invested the time we had and was merely presented with a system and asked for a price.

The reputation of Seven Integration
My response was perhaps not what was expected. We are not a company that sells boxes. That is to say, we do sell boxes, but the reason we are still in business and still growing is because we add value to those boxes. Because we are good at what we do, our clients use us again and again building relationships that develop over years to the point where, at my wedding recently, a client was present. They were as honoured to be there as I was that they came.
The reputation of Seven Integration is what brings in new clients. I consider us part of a service industry, and if I offer a discount I am devaluing the service that Audio7 offer. On the flip side, any company offering a 10% discount on the basis of a phone call is either desperate for the business or has to sell on price alone because they do not offer the level of service we do. And perhaps one is the result of the other?

Audio7 Has Been Known To Give Discounts
Audio7 has been known to give discounts on whole home systems. We are not completely devoid of commercial understanding. But there are times when you know the client is going to require an inflated amount of time and the price you quote represents as much value for money as another client who will be easy to deal with and require little support who therefore gets a proportionate discount.
No business owner likes to see a new client lost and a good sale go to a competitor, but perhaps providence will show that it was the right decision.
Ready to Start Your Project
Let’s discuss your property visions and how our services can facilitate your journey into the wonderful world of home automation.